
Showing posts from August, 2018

React Native Admob Banner Error and its Solutions

Admob plays an important library for any App who wants to earns. Admob Banner is one of the simplest Admob to implement. It is a rectangular image or text ads that occupy a portion of the App's layout. Sometimes we put the code correctly but steps as mention in instructions we face some issues. It may be related to the module, updated versions, crashes, library link issues, etc.  I will discuss here stepwise step Admob Banner issues you may face. Error-1 Invariant Violation: requireNativeComponent: "RNGADBannerView" was not found in the UIManager. This error comes when you do not link Admob. As on GitHub  Admob library installing instructions, they mentioned that  ''On Android the AdMob library code is part of Play Services, which is automatically added when this library is linked''. But still, if we get this error. To Solve this issue, you have to do to just after installing AdMob or after getting this error you have to wri